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Charity - We are supporting local organizations

Since 1994, the IWA has donated funds to help support various organizations. Charity donations are collected via:

  1. Direct donation from members or former members (fundraising drive)
  2. English book fair (annual event)
  3. Raffle of cakes or other items/vouchers sold at monthly events
  4. Donations accepted at the Christmas party or other monthly events
Become a member of the International Women Association (IWA) of Graz

IWA fundraiser 2025

We are currently discussing our fundraiser for 2025. You can already donate when paying your annual membership fee or by transferring money to the IWA account (please write "charity" in the appropriate field). All proceeds of our IWA annual book fair in October, minus minimal organizational costs, go to our charity fund.

TARA counseling & therapy Center (2024)

TARA provides legal advice and emotional support to girls and women in Styria after they have suffered from sexual violence.

Two children and a woman in a room

Haus FranzisCa (2023)

Haus FranzisCa is an emergency shelter and first point of contact for women and their children in need in Graz.

Three women hold a donation voucher

Verein Zebra (2022)

Zebra is an intercultural centre that offers counselling and therapy.

A group of women in winter coats stand outside in front of a tree.

Danaida (2021)

Danaida provides educational offers (German courses, literacy training) and a meeting place for foreign women in Graz.

IWA Graz charity Haus Rosalie

Haus Rosalie (2020)

Haus Rosalie was established in 2005 to provide addition temporary housing for homeless women in Graz.

IWA Graz charity Steirer helfen Steirern

Steirer helfen Steirern (2019)

Steirer helfen Steirern is a support program to help people in need who are living in Styria.

IWA Graz charity Zebra

Verein Zebra (2019)

Zebra is an intercultural centre that offers counselling and therapy.

Previous Donations


Danaida provides educational offers (German courses, literacy training) and a meeting place for foreign women in Graz. (G)


Haus Rosalie

The Haus Rosalie is a women’s shelter that provides temporary housing and support for homeless women. (G)


Die Schwalbe

Die Schwalbe is a non-profit organization that provides housing and employment for women who are temporarily unable to pursue a job due to mental illness or a serious life crisis. (G)



The Marienstüberl is a branch of Caritas that provides free breakfast, lunch and an afternoon snack for the homeless in Graz. (G)


VinziRast – Cortihaus

Vinzirast provides safe shelters and support for individuals struggling with homelessness or alcohol and drug dependency. (G)


ISOP – Innovative Sozialprojekte

ISOP is an intercultural, politically-neutral, independent non-profit organization that supports equal opportunity and human rights through social, educational and cultural projects. (G)



An organization helping girls and young women achieve equality in all aspects of life by offering counseling, career guidance, training, workshops, basic education and access to youth work programs. (G)



A women’s health center with the goal to empower women and girls in all stages of life to strengthen their health and well-being and which works toward gender specific health services and for a gender specific health care system. (G/E)


Beratungsstelle TARA

The TARA counselling center, founded in 1984, is part of the Styrian Network against Sexual Abuse. It provides free support, counseling and therapy in a safe, confidential environment for women and girls traumatized by sexual violence, as well as their relatives, friends and partners. (G, but brochures in English and multiple other languages)


Mosaik GmbH

…and the Mirabilis Project. Mosaik, based in Graz, provides support, education, and training for people with disabilities. (G)


Lady Lomin

Eve Hönle from Graz, a trained teacher and hand weaver, has established a weaving workshop in South Sudan, offering women there the opportunity to learn a skill, become financially independent and establish a good life for their families. (G)


Kleine Wildtiere in großer Not

The volunteers at this wonderful organization accept wounded and sick wild animals, provide them with food and care, then (where possible) release them back into the wild. (G)


Gustl 58 – Initiative zur Herzensbildung

Based in St. Stefan ob Stainz, Gustl 58 provides support for people facing physical, psychological, economic, or financial difficulties. (G)



Atempo is an organization that provides support for people with learning difficulties and disabilities, striving for equal-opportunity in daily life and the workplace. (G)


Hilfe für das herzkrankende Kind

A non-profit organization that provides assistance to children with cardiovascular illnesses and their families. (G)


Rote Nasen

The Rote Nasen Clowndoctors are professional performing artists that make regular rounds to visit sick and suffering people, especially children, in hospitals and social institutions. (G)


SOS Kinderdorf

Since 1949, SOS Kinderdorf (Children’s Villages) has provided children and their families with support as they deal with difficult situations and crises. (G)