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Activity: Movie Night at KIZ Kino – “Living”

KIZ Royal Kino Conrad-von-Hötzendorf-Straße 10, Graz, Austria

Join us to visit the KIZ Royalkino for a fun movie night! We will watch "Living", a British Drama with Bill Nighy, which was adapted from the 1952 Japanese film […]

February Happy Hour

Rox Music and Burger Bar Joanneumring 5, Graz, Austria

We will be at the Rox music and burger bar in Graz for our Happy Hour this month. Come along for a chat, it is only a few steps from […]

Bowling in Lieboch

Kinobowling Lieboch Kinoplatz 1, Lieboch

join us for our March activity: a fun bowling Sunday afternoon on March 5 at the new Kinobowling leisure center in Lieboch, Kinoplatz 1, 8501 Lieboch. Even if you have never […]

Golden Girls Meet-up

Kaffeehaus im Erzherzog Johann Sackstraße 3-5, Graz, Styria, Austria

Join Elfie L. and friends at the lovely Palais-Hotel Erzherzog Johann Kaffeehaus for a warm drink and comfy coze. This will be our last meet-up at this location before we […]

Happy Hour March

Flann O'Brien Paradeisgasse 1, Graz, Austria

Join us for an after-work drink to celebrate St. Patrick's Day at one of Graz's best-loved Irish pubs. Wearing something green is recommended but not obligatory.

April Happy Hour

Churchill Bar Heinrichstr. 21, Graz, Austria

Join the HH coordinators Corinna R. and Bettina D. as they explore one of the most famous British-style pubs in town. The unique cocktails offered here are famous!

Needlecraft Club

Seddwell Community Center Dreihackengasse 32, Graz, Austria

Do you love knitting, crocheting, or handicrafts? Are you curious to learn these crafts or simply observe? Then join the Club and settle in for a tea and a chat […]

How to Prevent Eye Disease

Ordination C. Rathei Jakoministr. 3-5, Graz, Austria

April is Women's Eye Health and Safety Month! In honor of this month, we have invited IWA member Corinna R., practicing eye doctor, to speak to our members about how […]

May Happy Hour

Die Scherbe Stockergasse 2, Graz, Austria

Join the HH coordinators Corinna R. and Bettina D. as they visit this trendy café/restaurant/bar with a quiet inner courtyard garden in the Lend District.

Architecture Walk and Talk: The Graz School of Architecture

AAPS Atelier für Architektur Harrachgasse 28, Graz

Director of the Haus der Architektur (HDA) in Graz Beate E. will provide a visual and verbal introduction to the unique 'Grazer Schule' of Architecture, then lead us on a […]

Golden Girls Meetup

Promenade Erzherzog Johann Alle 1, Graz, Austria

Join GG coordinator Elfie L. for a quiet afternoon tea, coffee, and chat. We will sit outside on the terrace adjacent to the Stadtpark if the weather allows.

Needlecraft Club

Seddwell Community Center Dreihackengasse 32, Graz, Austria

Do you love knitting, crocheting, or handicrafts? Are you curious to learn these crafts or simply observe? Then join the Club and settle in for a chat over the needles!