Join Isabella K. ( to talk about professional dreams and aspirations in a comfortable setting.
Join the Golden Girls of IWA for a drink and a chat!
Join us for an after-work, early evening drink and/or snack!
Join Christine C. and the gang to discuss books, reading and life in general.
Join Susan E. and the regulars at Bar Flora (Parkhotel) for a lively discussion of what they are currently reading.
The IWA has entered a project collaboration with the Jukus Verein. The ‘Pro Aktiv’ project promotes movement in everyday life and creates awareness of the connection between exercise, health, and well-being. As part of the project we will take part in an orientation workshop (please note, this was moved from the original date in March as […]
Come and get to know IWA's books for sale at Books4Life in the university area! (We have our own shelf there) Rumour has it that there are some awesome mystery and thrillers on offer! Afterwards we will go for a coffee at Café Global. Please sign up so we know how many are coming! Read […]
Since 2019, Susanne Kallanian has been guiding individuals and teams through Inner Leadership Coaching, helping them to tap into their self-leadership potential and discover their strengths. She will talk about her book ‘Inner Leadership Journey’ and the creative writing process. At this event, we want to inspire IWA women to enter a world of self-discovery […]
Join our April Coffee Morning for a cozy chat, to exchange news and tips with other IWA members, or simply to explore a new café! This month our coffee morning will be held downtown at the Grand Café Kaiserfeld. This elegant café is decorated in the Art Nouveau style, which flourished between about 1890 and […]
Join us for a chat and a cup of tea while we do a little crochet, knitting or needlework! There will be a flea market on at Seddwell on this date, so worth combining the two...
We will have a tour backstage at the Opera House in Graz! If you plan on going to the musical "Crazy for You" on the same day (starts at 3 pm) there will be time to go to a café for the hour between the tour and the event. Please sign up for this tour!
We will go to see the musical "Crazy for You" (songs in English, dialogue in German, kid-friendly). You should purchase your own tickets at the Ticketzentrum (20 seats reserved under “Sara Crockett”). You can use Kulturschecks for this. Adjustments in reservation possible until April 6. Please sign up for this activity! Please note: there is […]