Our IWA member Jyoti K. will hold her special charity lunch to raise funds for the education of underprivileged children in rural Rajsamand in Rajasthan-India through the ASRA (Adopt a School in Rajsamand) program that she has run for last 19 years. You can reserve a spot or order food to pick up for your […]
Do you love exploring new (English) books and authors? Then the IWA warmly invites you to join them at the elegant Bar Flora for our monthly evening book club meet-up. Bring a favorite book and enjoy a cocktail and conversation.
Our upcoming Dining Out evening will be at the beautifully renovated, historic Wildmoser restaurant in Graz's Lend district. If the weather allows, we will sit outside in the lovely garden, and if it turns cooler, we have reserved tables on the 1st floor. Join us at this cosy location to reconnect with members and share summer stories! […]
We've had to cancel our planned October Walkabout Graz between Rosenhain and Mariagrün due to rain. As an alternative, interested members can meet some IWA ladies (contact Bettina D.) at Café Kaiserfeld from 10:30-11:30 a.m. for a coffee.
Join us for the IWA's biggest fundraiser of the year and find great deals on gently used English books! Proceeds go this year to benefit the Tara Counselling Center. Please help spread the word by sharing our public Facebook event. Have English books to donate? Bring them on the morning of the sale or contact […]
Join us for an early-evening drink or snack at "Die Scherbe". If the weather is warm, we will sit outside in the garden.
Join Christine C. for a fun and engaging discussion of your favorite books and authors. All are welcome!
Join Susan E. at the beautiful Bar Flora in the Parkhotel. The group will discuss the book, "Going Zero" by Anthony McCarten. All are welcome to join!
This Lunch & Munch gives you the opportunity to visit a traditional 'Stüberl' in Graz but at the same time try some classic Austrian or Croatian specialities (Čevapčiči, Ražnjič, Pleskavica...). The owners are Croatian, but a few Slovenian specialities (Laško beer on tap!) appear on the menu as well. If the weather is good, we […]
Join Bettina D. at this lovely little café in Andritz, featuring regional food and delicious breakfast selections.
October 26th is the day Austria celebrates its neutrality – or the signing of the neutrality pact after the occupation of Austria ended in 1955. It is an Austrian tradition to take a hike on this holiday. Member Margit K. will lead our group on a sporty hike through the Semmering area. Meeting date and […]
On the National Holiday we invite you to join Christine C. on a visit to the Neue Galerie to see two art exhibitions: "Unmistakably Waldorf" and the steirischerherbst'24 "Horror Patriae". The group will meet at the top of the escalators in the Joanneum quarter at 10 am for a browse round these two exhibitions. Afterwards […]