• Contact

Member Benefits

Become part of our amazing club and take advantage of all the member benefits, including access to:

IWA membership costs €40 for the first year (€35 + a one-time €5 joining fee) or €22.50 (€17.50 + €5 joining fee) after June 30th. Yearly renewal dues are €35.

All IWA members are encouraged to support our club by volunteering their time, talents and skills to help one another, support IWA events and activities and contribute to fundraising events to support members of our local community.

Become part of our amazing club!

Join our club of more than 110 English-speaking women and help us promote cross-cultural respect and provide friendship and support!

We warmly invite you to attend one of our events to learn more about the club, meet us in person, and decide if the club is right for you!

Click the chat icon and tell us a bit about yourself 🙂 

How can I become a member?

IWA membership is open to English-speaking women from anywhere in the world who currently are living in Graz (Austria) or other parts of the province of Styria. To join our group, simply…

IN 2021, we WEre 123 English-speaking women from 38 countries!

Our members have travelled from all over the world to live and work in and near Graz!

What binds us together? A common aim to promote cross-cultural respect and provide one another with friendship and support.

IWA Graz Members

Frequently asked questions

For your convenience, here are some frequently asked questions from our new members. If you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us.

The IWA is open to English-speaking women of any nationality.

IWA membership costs €40 for the first year (€35 + a one-time €5 joining fee) or €22.50 (€17.50 + €5 joining fee) after June 30th. Yearly renewal dues are €35.

We have many members who live in Styria but not in Graz! Simply contact our Membership Officer to learn how you can donate your time to help support our club events and activities.

Any member can help us organize an event! Also, if you let us know about a public event that will take place in English, we can make our members aware of this and invite them to attend as a group.

Some of our events are for women only, but it is always possible for you to bring a female guest to these events on a space-available basis. Some events are also open to family members and friends (male and female) of IWA members … simply check the event descriptions.

Women Community

"Joining the IWA was a big step and made such a difference in my life in graz. The ladies at IWA became like a second family to me."

Carol A.