Do you have questions about how the pension system in Austria works? What does it look like in general for women? How does it work if I am self-employed, a freelancer, changing jobs, or raising children? We’re bringing in an expert to explain the basics: Dr. Ulrike Lederhaas (Head of Customer Support at BVAEB) Register… Continue reading Webinar: Basics of the Austrian Pension System for Women in Graz
Join in with the Socrates Café (online) and bring your burning questions! The organizers are planning to go back to in-person meetings in the fall if there is enough interest. So if you're interested in attending in-person Socrates Cafés, please let them know at the next (few) meetings. The venue will probably be in the… Continue reading (Invited) Socrates Café
For the first time, the IWA will have a table at a wonderful festival featuring many international associations: Ein Fest for Alle. Our table will be on the “Straße der Vielfalt” (Diversity Street), where different associations working in the field of integration can present themselves. We are searching for volunteers to represent the IWA at the… Continue reading (Invited) Fest für Alle
The Austro-American Society for Styria and member Nina G. invite our members to join in a fun and philosophical discussion group promoting the lively exchange of ideas.
Interested in starting your own business, but not sure how to do it? Are you self-employed and have questions? Member Rachel Fox invites you to sign up for this free 3-hour workshop in English, supported by Seddwell Center and Südwind Steiermark and led by Miglena Hofer and Severina Ditzov (Self-Employed in Austria), two licensed business consultants who specialize in… Continue reading (Member-invited Event) Self-Employment Workshop for Migrants
Miglena Hofer and Severina Ditzov (Self-Employed in Austria), two licensed business consultants who specialize in self-employment of internationals in Austria, will offer free 20-minute legal consultations on the following topics: Immigration law, Social security law, Administrative law, Family benefits and/or parental allowance, Income tax for employees/workers, Consumer protection. Member Rachel Fox invites interested members to sign… Continue reading (Member-invited Event): Free Legal Consultations for Migrants
The Austro-American Society for Styria and member Nina G. invite our members to join in a fun and philosophical discussion group promoting the lively exchange of ideas.
The Austro-American Society for Styria and member Nina G. invite our members to join in a fun and philosophical discussion group promoting the lively exchange of ideas.
Do you enjoy lively discussions (in English!) of philosophical topics and current events? The Austro-American Society for Styria invites IWA members and interested guests to join this fun and philosophical discussion group promoting the lively exchange of ideas!
Do you enjoy lively discussions (in English!) of philosophical topics and current events? The Austro-American Society for Styria invites IWA members and interested guests to join this fun and philosophical discussion group promoting the lively exchange of ideas!
Do you enjoy lively discussions (in English!) of philosophical topics and current events? The Austro-American Society for Styria and member Nina G. invite IWA members and interested guests to join this fun and philosophical discussion group promoting the lively exchange of ideas.
Member Marina B. and Andreas Wiesenbrunner at the EMK (evangelisch-methodische Kirche) invite our members and their children to sing Advent and Christmas carols (German and English) with them and listen to a Christmas story. Warm drinks and baked apples will be provided.